Helper Functions

All functions are bound to do a specific task. And whenever a function is used inside a function for certain task they are called as helper functions.


function multiplyByNineFifths(number) {
    return number * (9/5);

function getFahrenheit(celsius) {
    return multiplyByNineFifths(celsius);


// Output: 27 


  • getfahrenheit() function get a argument as celsius which is then passed on to the multiplyByNineFifths()

  • When multipluByNineFifths() recieves an argument it passes it on to its inside task

  • When all that is followed we get the final value which is captured and then logs as output.

Another Example:

function monitorCount(rows, columns) {
  return rows * columns;

function costOfMonitors(rows, columns) {
  return monitorCount(rows, columns) * 200;

const totalCost = costOfMonitors(5, 4);


// Output: 4000

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